About FedChem

FedChem™ is a global leader in the production of aluminum organic based products. Our strict quality control and years of experience with aluminum organic products have helped establish FedChem™ as a leading provider of aluminum organic based solutions for industry.

We also take great pride in our service. Our sales, technical and production staff work closely with our customers to solve their problems by designing innovative solutions. The state-of-the-art laboratories at FedChem™ allow our scientists and technicians to apply the latest technologies in developing new products.

FedChem’s Bethlehem, Pennsylvania plant ships products all over the world. From a single drum to tanker load, quality is the foremost concern.

Headquartered in Cleveland, Ohio, FedChem™ is a wholly owned subsidiary of Federal Process Corporation.

Click here to visit the FedChem™ site.


275 Keystone Drive
Bethlehem, PA 18020

Phone: (610) 837-1808
Fax: (610) 837-0540
e-mail: fedchemproducts@fedchem.com